Innovate Sustainable Technologies for the Energy Sector
A range of complimentary, sustainable technologies to increase safety and efficiency whilst reducing environmental impact, with realisable technology transfers across engineering sectors.
Nemein have developed innovative sustainable energy harvesting & storage technologies to work in hostile down-hole environments. Resilient, world-first, long term answers to energy provision for MWD and LWD activities. Improving safety & removing the need for battery replacement and the interruption of measurement and data logging.
This sustainable technology readily transfers to the renewable energy sector for innovative thermal energy storage.
Nemein has benefited from financial support from the Welsh Government SMARTCymru programme, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
The DEMETER project aims to design and develop a thermoelectrically powered EM telemetry repeater. The thermoelectric generator for DEMETER is a scaled variation of the full thermoelectric technology of the Persphone project, also being supported under this programme.