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Kinisi – Lifting with Dignity. VOOM 2016 Award Participant

Nemein are excited to be participating in Richard Branson’s VOOM 2016, #VOOM, an award celebrating businesses which create measurable social and environmental impact through their core business model.

Suzannah Bourne, Nemein’s CEO commented ‘Kinisi is a portable lifting aid bringing dignity to the aged or infirm who have fallen, and removing the fear of falling, or for those who wish to get to the floor to exercise knowing they can easily and safely get back up again. This will bring dignity and independence to many people and in many instances will avoid people lying on the floor for hours and the need to call 999.

Currently 10% of all ambulance calls are falls related, with falls costing the NHS iro £2b per year. With an ageing population, this figure is set to rise.

These are exciting times for Nemein, with Nemein Health Care being formed to commercialise Kinisi and the family of Health Care products to follow. We are seeking funding for the products, so contact us if interested. or pledge

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